
Glimpses of Inspiration

North Lake Tahoe



"Smokey in the Boys' Room"


"Chicken in Turkey"


"Tiny Tattoos"


"Haunted by Glue Guns"


(contributor, page 27)"I Salute You, Mother"

Sift & Shift: A two-step plan for figuring out your life 

You did come with a manual. Unfortunately, the instructions explaining how to get that future you want weren’t attached to your outside. Sift & Shift helps you tap your inner wisdom to get in touch with what you intuitively know because that is where the answers are. It’s simple: turn inward, act outward, repeat. Or, Sift & Shift.


Intro Excerpt:

The Sift chapters lean toward the mind. This is where you lounge in your mental space and notice things that perhaps you’ve overlooked before or dismissed as unimportant to your serious future. 

The Shift chapters are about doing, testing out some of the insights you gleaned from your sifting.

My aim is not to convince you of anything other than this: Finding and listening to your inner voice will make a better you, which will give you a better life, which will lead to a better world. Lofty claim? Well think about it, when you are doing what is right for you, it benefits others as well.

The evidence I ask you to consider is your own. Because what you’re about to read is telling you what, on some level, you already know. Relax now, and park your worries about the future. Your deeper self has great plans for you. It’s time to discover how to uncover what to do with your life, one step at a time.